Ryanโ€™s Experience With E-Cigarettes

This is a sponsored post for Black Note.

My boyfriend Ryan was 21 when we started dating. He was a cigarette smoker at that time. A couple years later our state banned smoking in public places such as bars and restaurants. I donโ€™t remember if it was in that legislation or not, but around that time most (all?) public places started requiring that smokers stay a certain number of feet away from the buildings. Shortly thereafter, a lot of smokers โ€ฆ Read the rest

Tongue Piercing Pain & Experience

Iโ€™ve had my tongue pierced twice. The first time I was 15, and then I let it close after about a year. Then I had it re-done later. I recently was at the dentist and was asked about the scar/hole from the piercing which reminded me that Iโ€™ve never shared my experience. My post about industrial piercing pain and experience did well so I thought a tongue piercing version of that post idea may be of interest as well.

Prior โ€ฆ Read the rest

Dental Anxiety: Tips For Coping With Fear Of The Dentist

I have pretty bad dental anxiety. I remember being in elementary school and getting an upset stomach before my dentist appointments. Fear of the dentist is a common fear. When I recently started seeing a new dentist, the forms I had to fill out int he first visit asked if you have anxiety! Over the years Iโ€™ve had several methods for trying to cope with dental anxiety because I donโ€™t want to let my fear of the dentist to keep โ€ฆ Read the rest

Calorie Counting The Easy Way โ€“ Long Term

Itโ€™s been almost two years since my boyfriend and I both decided to work on losing weight. Ryan had been unhappy with his size for a long time.I was 138 pounds and 5โ€™1. I had stayed in about the 125-128 from age 12 to 23 or so. Even back then I wanted to be slightly smaller but after gaining 10 pounds I was truly unhappy with my appearance. Iโ€™m very short so 10 pounds is rather visible. For the first โ€ฆ Read the rest

University Of Michigan Dental Clinic Experience

I live a few hours from Ann Arbor, but the low-cost clinic in my area has a pretty bad reputation. I had heard better things about the University of Michigan dental clinic so I decided to try making the drive. Overall Iโ€™ve been pretty happy with my choice.

If I were to sum up the experience in a sentence it would be โ€“ the care is great, but it is a slow process.

When you start attending you will be โ€ฆ Read the rest

Apartment Building Etiquette

After living in apartment complexes and duplexes for about seven years Iโ€™m still surprised by how many people donโ€™t understand basic apartment complex etiquette. Whether you are in an apartment complex, a duplex or a condo โ€“ you are sharing walls and close space with other people. As a result, you should be mindful of how your life is impacting those in your surroundings.

Basic apartment complex etiquette:

1. Watch your noise level. When you are sharing walls, a yard, โ€ฆ Read the rest

My Spring Favorites

There are affiliate links in this post.

Itโ€™s been a while since Iโ€™ve shared new products that I have discovered and loved. I thought I would do a fresh one for spring, though some of these I discovered over the winter.

1. Sugar free jello snack cups. Eating a 1200 calorie diet is tough and these 10 calorie snack cups make for a nice treat/snack when I donโ€™t have many calories left over. I am sensitive to fake-sugar taste and โ€ฆ Read the rest

My Favorite iPad App Games

Iโ€™ve always been a fan of puzzle games. I was barely old enough to read when I started enjoying word search puzzles. By 5th grade or so I was into Sudoku. Tetris, Snake, all of those simple games could keep me entertained for hours.

It drives my boyfriend a little crazy, but I really like app games too. I donโ€™t usually think to talk about the games I enjoy but I thought I would share fora ny followers who might โ€ฆ Read the rest

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