Should You Rent a Furnished Apartment

What is included in a furnished apartment?

What furniture or other household items are included with a furnished apartment will vary from one apartment to another. Typically, major furniture pieces like beds, dressers, a couch, TV, microwave are included. Smaller items that are considered by most to be essential would usually be included also. This would include items like dinnerwear, cookware, curtains or blinds, and linens would also be included.

Every apartment does vary though, so be sure to ask exactly what is included in the apartment that you are considering.

What is a partially furnished rental?

Partially furnished rentals include some furniture and household items, but not everything that you’re likely to need. Partially furnished apartments can vary a lot in what they include.

However, in most cases, they’ll include the absolute essentials such as a bed, couch and microwave. Partially furnished apartments are less likely to include less essential items such as a coffee maker, rugs or silverware.

What Are The Benefits Of Renting A Furnished Apartment?

Convenience is the biggest benefit to renting a furnished apartment. You won’t have to transfer many, if any, of your former possessions to the new place. You’ll simply be able to make yourself at home!

Flexibility. Furnished apartments often are available with shorter lease terms than non-furnished apartments. If you’re in a situation where you need a place to stay for less than 12 months, furnished apartments often allow that flexibility.

Less upfront cost. If you don’t already own furniture and other belongings, renting a furnished apartment can prevent you from having to buy a bed, couch, dishes, etc all at once which can be a significant savings.

Less maintenance cost to you. Typically the furniture provided in a furnished apartment will be the landlords responsibility to maintain. Meaning, if the microwave is provided with your apartment and it breaks, it would be your landlords responsibility to repair or replace it rather than yours. In addition to being convenient, this can save you money.

The Downsides Of Renting A Furnished Apartment

Nothing is all good, right? Here are some of the downsides of renting a furnished apartment.

No customization. When renting a furnished apartment, whatever furniture the landlord already owned is what you’ll receive. You won’t have a say in what style of furniture or decor is in the home.

Higher rent. In most cases, furnished apartments have a higher rent cost than non-furnished apartments.

Less selection. In most markets, there are a lot more non-furnished apartments available than furnished. If you’re looking for a furnished apartment, you may have a lot less selection to choose from.

Increased risk of not having your security deposit returned. In most cases, furnished apartment leases will state that any damage done to any of the furniture provided with the apartment is your responsibility. Meaning, the landlord will be able to withhold some of your deposit if your cat leaves some scratches on the wood table leg that was part of your furnished rental.

How much more expensive is renting a furnished apartment compared to an unfurnished one?

According to a report by Apartment Guide, the cost of renting a furnished apartment is typically 25% to 50% more than the cost of renting an unfurnished apartment in the same area. However, it’s important to note that this can vary widely depending on the location and other factors. In some cases, the cost difference may be less than 25%, while in others it may be significantly more.

How long of a lease can I expect from a furnished apartment?

Short-term leases for furnished apartments are common in areas that attract tourists, such as popular vacation destinations or large cities with high numbers of business travelers. In these cases, landlords or property management companies may offer leases that are as short as one month or even a few weeks. These types of leases are often referred to as “corporate housing” or “executive apartments” and are designed for people who need a temporary home away from home.

Longer lease terms are also available for furnished apartments, with lease lengths of six months, nine months, or even a year or more. These types of leases may be more common in areas where there is a high demand for housing and a limited supply, such as large cities with high rental rates.

What happens if something in the furnished apartment breaks or needs repair?

Exactly what happens can vary depending on the landlord or property owner, as well as on your lease agreement. In the event that something breaks or needs repair, your first step is to contact the landlord or property management company and let them know what damage has occurred. From there, they should let you know if there’s anything you need to do to arrange for a repair or replacement, or if they’ll be hiring someone to come do a repair.

In most cases, any damage beyond “normal wear and tear” is considered the tenant’s responsibility.

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