I went in this week for my yearly well visit with my primary care doctor. I’ve been on Keppra (an anti-epileptic drug) since November of 2014. I was in for my yearly well visit in March of 2016. Yet it was just at this visit this past week that my doctor told me that she likes to do a yearly blood test on patients who are on anti-consultants. They can be hard on the liver or kidneys.
I don’t mind … Read the rest
When people first learn that I blog for a living, their first question is often “How does that work?” Meaning – how do you get paid. I’ve shared how much of my income comes from various sources in my blog post How I Make Money From My Blog. While that is a good example of the breakdown of my income sources, not all bloggers have a similar set-up. Some rely much more heavily on other income sources. I thought … Read the rest
I’ve always been a fan of puzzle games. I was barely old enough to read when I started enjoying word search puzzles. By 5th grade or so I was into Sudoku. Tetris, Snake, all of those simple games could keep me entertained for hours.
It drives my boyfriend a little crazy, but I really like app games too. I don’t usually think to talk about the games I enjoy but I thought I would share fora ny followers who might … Read the rest
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One of the questions that I get asked frequently as a pug owner is – “Do pugs stink all the time?” or “Does your pug stink? I heard pugs stink.”
I’m not really sure where this idea comes from but I’ve been asked that by at least half a dozen people in the past couple of years which seems unusually high. I don’t know why that idea gets passed around but I thought … Read the rest
There is a ton of content on the internet about how to blog for a living. It is possible to do. I have been a full time blogger for about three years now, though the first year I didn’t make the income of someone working full time (even at minimum wage). Now my yearly income is about that of someone earning $10 an hour, full time. While I have considered blogging my job for three years, I started blogging 8 … Read the rest
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It’s been a while since I’ve done a diary style life update. None of my blog post ideas for this week were grabbing me passionately so I thought I’d just share what’s new instead.
Blog and job wise things are going really well. I generally expect January through March to be my slowest period of the month, because that has been the case for the past 3 years. However, last month was … Read the rest
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I’ve lived in four different apartments over the past six years or so. I’ve learned more than I really ever cared to know about renting! However, some of what I have learned has helped me to make better choices each time we move. In large part this came down to budgeting differences between apartments. My boyfriend & I have always stuck to the lower end of our budget range when moving just to … Read the rest
Last week I had my annual neurologist appointment. I have well controlled epilepsy so I have only have to go once a year. It’s been almost 2.5 years since my last seizure. When I first had seizures, the hospital I went to afterwards told me that alcohol is known to lower the seizure threshold. As a result, they told me I should avoid alcohol. To date, I haven’t drank since I was diagnosed with epilepsy, roughly 2.5 years.
My dad … Read the rest